Monday, July 4, 2011

Whats up Americas Bday

So this weekend was the fourth of July and it is always my favorite holiday. so for a celebration we had a lot of things goin on(on a side note i dont care about capitol letter after a period so suck it. see previous sentence for verifacation.) friday night we hung out a captin county's lounge with bo, nathan, ana, kj,and cash. we played some cornhole and had some whiskey and beer. bo and nathan won cornhole but only through usin black magic so it doesnt count cause everyone knows black magic is unbeatable and cheatin. sunday we wen to Alturas to Savvy and Cheltzees house for a fish fry and swimming and cornhole.  Cannon and Ana won the first tourny and Me and Thomas won the second. yes i know that i said i dont capiltalize after periods but for some reason im takin the time to capiltalize names but for some reason drunk fingers have no logic in typin. also dont get the drunk fingers im talkin about confused with the drunk fingers high shcool dudes have win they are left alone with they're so called girlfriend at a party. not sure where i was before this pointless rant but ill try to start where i left off, not that u care cause i really dont care so why would u. im just passin the time before i  pass out. so highlights of the weeken are fun friends and family. OH and also a little piece of advice that i figured out is this. you can easily be old enough to get married and can pretty much make your everyday life work. but you can never be old enough to make a kid do what you want. i love my son to death but ghandi would have punched his own baby except that he didnt have one which makes him even more ghandi like. i dont think he coulda takin care of one let alone made one with his legs crossed and all that humming that he does. although the hummin might put a baby to sleep. ill look into that.  but anyway babies are awesome but until they can basically take care of themselves they are alot like a rainy day. they're moods come outa nowhere and u have to just wait them out til you can have fun again. thats about all i got tonight but im guessin your not readin this part cause it got borin about two sentences after i started so i could prolly say FART but you dont know i did. well good night and LETS KEEP IT COUNTY. ill have pics of the weekend tomorrow.


  1. i sent the the link to your facebook account. check it, yo!

  2. how do you win a tournament if you lose in the finals to tex and i? my guess is black magic or enough booze to drowned your sorrows and forget the loss all together.

  3. you gotta make these pics bigger dawg

  4. ya i definitely blew it that last game. we SHOULD have won though
